Select the circle and line it up with the center of the canvas. Draw a medium-sized circle with a dark color and no outline. However, they are often rejected, because implementing such a block for general shapes requires calculus. Hover over Choose a Sprite and click Paint. Some users in the suggestions forum have requested a generalized bounce::motion block, which would allow sprites to bounce when they collide with other sprites or with colors. Turn cw (pick random (-10) to (10)) degreesīounce Block See also: List of Block Workarounds

Luckily for us, collision detection is really easy to implement in Phaser.

However, they are often rejected, because implementing such a block for general shapes requires calculus. Now that we have walls, we can define what happens when a player hits a wall. You choose which object to program by double clicking on it in the stage box. Some users in the suggestions forum have requested a generalized bounce::motion block, which would allow sprites to bounce when they collide with other sprites or with colors. This will make the sprint point towards the mouse.